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14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

Everyone has heard about Iceland, but very few people have been to the country or know much about it.

Impressed by the beauty of this amazing place and offers a list of reasons why Iceland is a Northern miracle.

Of course, the most obvious advantage of this country is the nature. Waterfalls, rivers, mountains — it has everything in huge numbers.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Irina Bg/Shutterstock

For example, the famous Dettifoss waterfall is located in Iceland. It’s the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Filip Fuxa/Shutterstock

The nature in Iceland is pretty rough, so the locals try to add more colors to the landscape on their own. This is especially true for the capital — Reykjavik.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© canadastock/Shutterstock

The people of Iceland are not afraid of experimenting with architecture. One example is Hallgrímskirkja (the Church of Hallgrímur).

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Kjersti Joergensen/Shutterstock

Traditional houses look like this:

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Ienaer/Shutterstock

Iceland is one of the few places in the world where you can walk on real black beaches.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Andrey Bayda/Shutterstock

Here you can see northern lights so beautiful that they give you goosebumps!

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Pigprox/Shutterstock

In Iceland, you can watch whales from a boat!

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Denis Kichatof/Shutterstock

The official symbols of Iceland are a bull, a giant, a griffin, and even a dragon! The cold and this funny puffin are unofficial symbols.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Tsuguliev/Shutterstock

The people of Iceland love fences.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Johann Helgason/Shutterstock

There is even a valley of geysers! By the way, the word “geyser” comes from the Icelandic word “geysa” (“whip”).

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© ZinaidaSopina/Shutterstock

The Great Icelandic Canyon, which is around 330 ft deep, is one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© kavram/Shutterstock

Some volcanoes of Iceland, such as the famous Eyjafjallajökull, are not dormant. And Bárðarbunga erupted in 2014.

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Nathan Mortimer/Shutterstock

You can simply get into your car and go across the country. Who needs a vacation when something this beautiful is around you?

14 Things That Make Iceland Even Cooler Than Middle-Earth

© Aleksandar Mijatovic/Shutterstock

And the best thing is that there are no mosquitoes here.

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