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Take me to Montenegro!

Montenegro’s landscapes are so diverse that you could mistake it for a miniature version of the Earth itself. In fact, this small country in southeastern Europe seems to be a mosaic of all the best parts of the world.

It has everything you could ever want, from snow-capped mountain peaks to the brilliant azure shades of the Adriatic Sea, from the picturesque mountain lakes to roaring waterfalls and rivers surrounded by pristine forests and majestic canyons. This country is a perfect getaway if you’re tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city. No one hurries in Montenegro: small coastal towns live their tranquil, measured life; fishing boats rock slowly on the transparent waves, and cats sprawl lazily on the docks waiting for a fresh catch.

If you want to clear your mind and put your thoughts in order, Montenegro is most definitely the place to do it. Maybe you’re still not convinced, but we promise you — when you find yourself surrounded by such beauty, you’ll forget all about your worries and troubles.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Liza Dolz

Sunrise on the shore of the Bay of Kotor. Even a Monday morning can’t be that bad if your day stars here.

Take me to Montenegro!

© thebalkanbackpacker

It seems that all shades of green imaginable can be found here, in Durmitor national park.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Jackmalipan

A quiet jetty in the town of Perast.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Yiannis Adamopoulos

The striking, almost alien-like landscapes of the Devil’s Lake (Vražje Jezero).

Take me to Montenegro!

© Diana Vladimirova

Somewhere in the maze of streets in a seaside town. You can easily get lost here, but perhaps that’s not such a bad thing, right?

Take me to Montenegro!

© (с) Ilia Khodos

St. George Island and Our Lady of the Rock Island, situated at the heart of the Bay of Kotor.

Take me to Montenegro!

© (с) Rasica

An old, northern village lost somewhere in the mountains.

Take me to Montenegro!

© (с) Dmitry Kushch

In Montenegro, you don’t park your car, you park your boat!

Take me to Montenegro!

© Jonathan Andrew

Montenegro is beautiful even in bad weather: a rainy day on Skadar Lake.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Sarah Vickers

The country is also a real paradise for cats! The people of Montenegro just love cats. Homeless pets are not really homeless here. Even if the animals live on the streets, they’re cared for by all a city’s residents.

Take me to Montenegro!

© SvetaKhovrina

Mussel Farm near the town of Perast. Those mussels sure are lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Radisa Zivkovic

You can walk a long way without meeting a single person in the deserted lands of northern Montenegro.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Leonid Tit

The morning sunshine reflected on the smooth water of the Black Lake.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Dvrcan

The island-hotel of Sveti Stefan on the Adriatic coast.

Take me to Montenegro!

© SvetaKhovrina

The azure waters of Tara, a picturesque mountain river.

Take me to Montenegro!

© Dragan Todorović

Dzhurdzhevicha Tara Bridge — a road bridge over the canyon which rises above the river Tara. Anyone afraid of heights look away now — the bridge stretching over the canyon is 564 feet (172 meters) high.

Take me to Montenegro!

© nasbiro

The heart-shaped Trnovačko lake. Even nature loves this small, yet very diverse and beautiful country.


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