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The 20 Best Travel Spots

It might seem hard to believe given the kind of year that it’s been, but 2017 is about to come to a close. And with a New Year’s Eve just around the corner, it’s definitely time to start thinking about the things you’ll be doing once the calendar changes over to 2018.

In fact, have you begun to start planning out your next vacation yet? If not, then now’s the time to start! The most popular places always fill up quickly, and the longer you wait the more money you’re going to end up paying for your vacation!

That’s why we’ve put this list together. We thought it would be a good idea to identify the 20 best places to travel to in 2018. Some of these places are perennial favorites. Others of them are real up and comers. All of them share one thing in common, though. Each has something exceptional to offer virtually any kind of traveller.

So, get a head start! Start planning out your 2018 vacation right now, and perhaps make it a point to pick one of the 20 places that follow. They’re truly awesome destinations, and you’d love taking a vacation in any one of them…

1. China

There’s too much to see in China than we can list here, but no matter where you go in the country, you’ll find something to capture your imagination.

2. Canberra, Australia

There’s so much to see and do in Australia, and Canberra is an excellent place from which to do most of it!

3. New Zealand

It’s one of the most beautiful places on the planet, and 2018 is just as good a year as any to check it out.

4. Kii Peninsula, Japan

Here you can experience many of the cultural landmarks you’ll want to see in Japan without having the compete with large crowds.

5. Seville, Spain

Those with an artistic flair will fall in love with the gorgeous, winding streets and architecture of Seville.

6. Georgia

2018 should be a fun year to check out Georgia, as it will be celebrating 100 years of independence from Russia.

7. Antwerp, Belgium

There’s an incredible eclecticism to Antwerp, with a skyline that mixes ultra-modern with baroque classics.

8. New Orleans, Louisiana

The city of New Orleans will be turning 300 years old in 2018… We think you know what that means!

9. Chile

Those who are looking to mix an incredible culinary adventure with one that mixes plenty of hiking and beautiful landscapes, Chile will deliver.

10. Arizona

Not only are there so many incredible things to see and do in Arizona, it’s also one of the cheapest places to visit in 2018.

11. South Africa

A trip to Cape Town is the closest that anyone can come to stepping onto the “edge” of the planet.

12. South Korea

While tensions may be running hot on the Korean peninsula, that doesn’t make this country any less worth your time to explore.

13. Aeolian Islands, Italy

By the day, these amazing islands are getting more popular with tourists. Look for them to really start booming in 2019, which is why you want to check them out this year.

14. Malta

Not only does this island have plenty to offer the curious traveler, it’s also a place that gets 300 days of sunshine per year.

15. Oslo, Norway

With the King and Queen of Norway celebrating their 50th year of marriage in 2018, there will be plenty of activities to check out here.

16. Detroit, Michigan

Rumors of this city’s early demise were greatly exaggerated! Just ask anyone who’s had the chance to visit over the past year…

17. Portugal

Foodies in particular will relish the opportunity to travel to Portugal, and particular to Lisbon where the food culture has evolved significantly in recent years.

18. Hamburg, Germany

Those who are looking to experience European nightlife will find that Hamburg – somewhat surprisingly – has one of the best!

19. Mauritius

It’s getting easier than ever before to reach this gorgeous island, which is why 2018 should be the year you check it out.

20. Alaska

When you really want to get outside of your comfort zone when it comes to travel, a trip to Alaska is always a solid choice.

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